Monday, December 27, 2004


This Christmas was... well... very different from any other Christmas I've ever had before. A realization of how a very small portion of my family keep it real (or isn't fake, for you all who don't know what it means) came to me over the past few days. But it's all good. I'm a big girl now. With knowledge comes more responsibilty as well as the ability to handle what you have learned, right? Right. Moving on... I gave Robert his present, which is the watch that I showed a few of you. (Bobby for those of u not familiar with the other name) Just in case you forgot or something, I got him a Kenneth Cole watch from the Sunglass Hut. (my pockets are really hurting now!) But he's worth it. And the best gift I got was the one he gave me! He bought me a pair of Timberland Boots!! YES!! They're exactly the ones I wanted. AND they're the right size, as well. I was so excited when I saw them. The thing about it, though, is that he had them boxed in four other boxes first. After the first layer, I was like, "Okay! I see what you did, Mr. Sneaky." Then I got through the second layer. Then the third layer. And he was just laughing at me as I kept finding Reebok boxes... and crap boxes.... and stuff. I met another one of his sisters and his older brother a few days ago and that was the highlight of the whole weekend. Anyway, everyone else let me know how your Christmas went. L8er Kiddies!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

And it's gone!

Well, there it goes. Another Christmas come and gone.

I realize that most of you are heaving a huge sigh of relief that it has finally passed, hoping that my holiday fervor might have cooled a bit. All I can hope is that it has not, and that I can only feel this way all year long. Wouldn't you just LOVE me then?

Anyway, I just want to say that I truly do love this day, because it is the one day out of the whole year that I really remember to be thankful and give thanks to everything I have that I might take for granted.

So I just want to say, at the risk of sounding corny, that I give thanks for all of you. I give thanks that I can attend a wonderful school like Webster, and that it has given me the opportunity to be among so many wonderful people that I am lucky enough to count as friends. Some of you I feel like I've known forever, and some of you I can only hope I can get to know better in the coming year.

I give thanks for the BPC, and the bad Marletto's food, and the 2 am trips to McDonald's, and all the tweens who fester around Ronnie's. I give thanks for the late night fire drills, and the last-minute papers, and the lounge with stains all over the couches and the floors. I give thanks for the fellowship we have formed, and the great times we have whenever we are together. I honestly feel as much as home on 2L as I do whenever I come home, and that is something that I don't think a lot of my other friends can boast about their college.

Anyway, I hope that all of you had the merriest of Christmases, that Santa was good to you, and that all of your holiday wishes came true. I hope you are all staying safe and warm, and staying out of trouble (haha). I'm thinking about all of you constantly, and can't wait until the 17th, when I will get to see all of you again.

Allright, well now that I am crying my eyes out alone in the darkness of my own room, I must go to bed. I have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks. After all, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and it's time to think of ways to decorate the room...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Um... Yeah

Um... yeah. Considering the fact that no one seems to be doing anything fun for break, I guess we can all agree that we're all bored as HELL!!! WHOO!!! (man, ya'll just don't know how much I'd rather be in the dorms.) I didn't realize that I need to start looking @ apartments either for the summer or by August. I just think the price for the apartments on campus are WAY too expensive for the things that they include. Goddamn! I looked at the price and I almost choked on my chocolate milk. FO REal. But yeah. That's all I've got right now, other than the fact that I stayed up til like 3 this morning watching Bambi. L8er.

Monday, December 13, 2004

An Account Of the Great Flood of 3M

The Book of Webster, 13: 24-31

24 And it came to pass that in those days, the residents of the hall 3M had greatly angered the LORD, for their evil ways had become too common and their sins too plentiful to count. 25 And the LORD stretched out his mighty hand and smote them on the water heater, 26 and it burst forth into many waters. The water flooded in the hall and over their possessions, 27 and the residents of that evil hall were forced to toil many hours in order to drive the water back. 28 And the residents of the virtuous hall below, that of 2L, rejoiced. 29 They rejoiced because the LORD had smiled upon them, and their water heaters had remained intact 30 and their possessions had remained dry. 31 And so 2L found favor in the eyes of the LORD, and were protected from such catastrophes happening to them.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Ok, so it's like 2:32 am and I am just finishing this paper due for class tomorrow at 1:30 pm. Hmm. I think this year my average bedtime has been around 2, 2:30. Can someone please explain what it is about college that makes you stay up past times you never even knew existed in high school?

Bailey, sorry, but you are excluded from this discussion, seeing as 11:30 is a "wild night" for you. No hard feelings.

So there was that one night I pulled an all-nighter and went to bed at like 9:15 am...can anyone top that for latest bedtime??

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I Concur

Okay. Well, now that everyone's venting about this whole month off, I figured I should go ahead, too. The only thing is, it's gonna be even harder. I won't be able to see my bf at night, with my mom not knowing him, nor liking the idea of me talking to anyone older to me. I won't be able to see him for at least two weeks until the dorms open again. I don't know what I'm going to do. It's too early to try to tell my mom everything. Not only that, but I don't think Christmas is the best time for it, either. But anyway, sneaking around to see someone I care about isn't my idea of fun. So... I'm not going to do it. But I believe I will eventually have to let the cat out of the bag when the weather gets warm again or once the summer hits. I hope she will understand that I'm mature enough to be in a mature relationship. I want her know and understand the person whose a large part of my life now. Thankfully, Robert(my bf) understands the situation and Christmas won't suck incredibly, even though we probably won't be able to spend it together. But anyhoo, this truly feels like my home, even though I miss having my own room. You this building is a big part of me now, and I hope that you all will continue to be a part of my life even after this year.

Monday, December 06, 2004

About Matt (a.k.a.) MG

Yo Yo this is Matt, lemme tell you 'bout my self;
I'm chillin, I'm illin', I'm cooler than an elf
Me and Shara started bloggin' and then had this whack idea
Why don't we start a floor blog, so's we can always be(a)
In touch with one another, no matter where we are
If it's Webster, home, or overseas, or even some distant star
That said, this is our 2L blog, I hope that you enjoy it
But if you don't we don't care because you can't destroy it

It's true I am a film major, my roommate's name is Dee
And now I'm never ever scared 'cuz he's got my back, you see
Our room is number 202, it's a party every day
It really will be very sad when we have to go away
But for now we're just enjoying it, school is going well
I'm so glad that I got picked to live on floor 2L!


Friday, December 03, 2004


Alright. So let's say that I proposed a plan to start a blog for me and my boy Matt to write in. I thought it would be a cool idea. And then let's say he expands on that idea and says, "why don't we have a blog where everyone on our floor can write in?" Even better idea. Well, i'm putting the wheels in motion now. I just emailed him an invitation to start the blog. Everyone will have more than one sweet blog to read now.... they'll have 3!! Mine, Matt's, and the floors! I'm gonna put links to mine and his on this blog shortly. So stay tuned.